
...The master of battles...


Up to four players can enter the asteroid fields of Poweroids. To fullfill their dangerous mission (exterminating all asteroids), each player's cruiser is equipped with a plasma gun (for destroying asteroids) and a hyperspace device (for escaping from dangerous situations).

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There are three different kinds of asteroids in the asteroid field: Big ones (moving slowly), medium ones (faster) and small ones (fastest). If an asteroid is hit by a plasma shot, it will divide into two smaller asteroids.

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Alien Saucers will attack in later levels, so be prepared!


  • Up to four player simultanous game!
  • Supports four player joystick adapter!
  • Supports keyboard control!
  • Supports mouse control!
  • Saves highscores to disk!
  • Doesn't stop multitasking!
  • Can be promoted to any OCS/AGA screenmode!
    Poweroids is available for:
    1. Amiga (68020, 1MB chipmem): poweroids13.lha (aminet, USA) , poweroids13.lha (aminet, Germany)

    If you have any questions, send me a mail:

    starfox@incubus.franken.de / starfox@cow.mayn.de

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